One more noble woman and a glass of noble wine

Jen­nifer is delight­ed to return to the Schloss­fest­spiel Lan­gen­lois this sum­mer in the role of the Kur­fürstin in Carl Zeller´s Der Vogl­händler.  Lan­gen­lois is an absolute insider´s tip for some of the best wines in Aus­tria, and its fes­ti­val is quick­ly gain­ing a rep­u­ta­tion for bring­ing high qual­i­ty,

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Another Viennese Masterpiece in 2018

Jen­nifer Davi­son will debut in the role of the Feld­marschallin in Richard Strauss’ Der Rosenkava­lier with the Lan­desthe­ater Nieder­bay­ern in March 2018.  A woman of strength, beau­ty, and astound­ing wis­dom, Hoff­mansthal and Strauss’ Marschallin is a cher­ished role of many of the world´s great sopra­nos.  Jen­nifer is hon­ored to

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The Marriage of Figaro

The Marriage of Figaro

Escape the cold and head down under to see Fes­ti­val Opera´s Debut pro­duc­tion of The Mar­riage of Figaro with Jen­nifer Davi­son as Count­ess Alma­vi­va. At Fes­ti­val Opera it was music that did it for us. The cul­mi­na­tion of pas­sion, per­se­ver­ance and hard work com­ing togeth­er in a

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I Lost My Heart in Langenlois

I Lost My Heart in Langenlois

I Lost My Heart in Lan­gen­lois” is the title of a very spe­cial evening of song and poet­ry, from Schu­bert and Brahms to Gersh­win and Cop­land, Mae­stro and Inten­dant Andreas Stoehr com­piled a fan­tas­tic selec­tion of pieces tai­lored to accom­pa­ny the poet­ry in dialect by Wolf­gang Kühn.

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