Jennifer Davison

With her “sump­tu­ous voice of unusu­al pow­er” (Opera Amer­i­ca) and her riv­et­ing dra­mat­ic inter­pre­ta­tions, Jen­nifer Davi­son has won acclaim from audi­ences and crit­ics alike for her work on the oper­at­ic and con­cert stages of both Europe and the Unit­ed States.  High­lights of her diverse reper­toire include Baroque operas, Mozart and Puc­ci­ni hero­ines, as well as numer­ous con­tem­po­rary operas and role cre­ations.

Jen­nifer Davi­son stud­ied at the Peabody Con­ser­va­to­ry, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati (CCM) and was a young artist in such pres­ti­gious pro­grams as the Wolf Trap Opera, the Mero­la Opera of the San Fran­cis­co Opera Cen­ter, and the Ravinia Fes­ti­val.  She won prizes and/or received grants from such insti­tu­tions as the Palm Beach Opera, the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Nation­al Coun­cil Audi­tions, the Sul­li­van Foun­da­tion, the San Fran­cis­co Opera Cen­ter, and the Eleanor McCol­lum Com­pe­ti­tion of the Hous­ton Grand Opera.

Jen­nifer Davi­son began her career in Europe at the Luzern The­ater in Switzer­land, where she sang in over 200 per­for­mances in reper­toire includ­ing stan­dard roles like Pam­i­na, Micaela, Zer­li­na, as well as Baroque operas by Han­del and Bois­morti­er, to mod­ern pieces by Brit­ten and Berio, includ­ing a co-pro­duc­tion with the Luzern Fes­ti­val of Olga Neuwirth´s Bäh­lamms Fest.

Since 2012 she has made her home in Vien­na, Aus­tria, where she has sung lead­ing roles in per­for­mances in the The­ater an der Wien, the Osterk­lang Fes­ti­val Wien, the Wiener Fest­wochen, the Neue Oper Wien, as well as in con­cert at the Wiener Musikvere­in, the Wiener Konz­erthaus, and on the stage of the Wiener Staat­sop­er.  Recent role debuts include Jen­ny in Kurt Weill´s The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny at the Tirol Lan­desthe­ater in Inns­bruck, as well as Syl­va Vares­cu in Erich Kalman’s The Csar­das Princess with the Operette Metro­pole Baden bei Wien, and the Count­ess in Mozart´s Mar­riage of Figaro with the Napi­er Opera in New Zealand.

An enthu­si­as­tic con­cert singer, Jen­nifer has sung works by Mendessohn, Haydn, Mozart, Brahms, Dvo­rak, Can­teloube among oth­ers with orches­tras includ­ing the Bal­ti­more Sym­pho­ny, the Asheville Sym­pho­ny, the Ton­halle Zurich, the Luzern Sin­fonieorch­ester, and the Nord­west­deutsche Rund­funk Orches­tra, the Baroque Ensem­ble of the Wiener Sym­phoniker, and the Wiener Kam­merorch­ester.

In 2017–2018 she will appear with the Boston Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra in Sym­pho­ny Hall and will be fea­tured with the Erie Cham­ber Orches­tra in works by Haydn and Beethoven.  She is also look­ing for­ward to her role debut as the Marschallin in Richard Strauss´s Der Rosenkava­lier with the Lan­desthe­ater Nieder­bay­ern.

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