The Marriage of Figaro

The Marriage of Figaro


Escape the cold and head down under to see Fes­ti­val Opera´s Debut pro­duc­tion of The Mar­riage of Figaro with Jen­nifer Davi­son as Count­ess Alma­vi­va.

At Fes­ti­val Opera it was music that did it for us. The cul­mi­na­tion of pas­sion, per­se­ver­ance and hard work com­ing togeth­er in a per­for­mance that has the abil­i­ty to real­ly move peo­ple.

We’ve come to realise that for many young peo­ple today this is a feel­ing they haven’t been lucky enough to expe­ri­ence, and our aim is to change that. Opera is an art form that turns a mir­ror on soci­ety, reflect­ing who we are, how we think and feel. It should not be a pur­suit for the élite, but a chance for any­one to express them­selves through music.

Fes­ti­val Opera exists to show­case our home grown tal­ent, but more impor­tant­ly, through our youth ini­tia­tive Project Pri­ma Vol­ta, it shows young peo­ple what is pos­si­ble. Pri­ma Vol­ta (‘first time’ in Ital­ian) will run along­side our opera pro­duc­tion, giv­ing young peo­ple a chance to explore their tal­ents in an empow­er­ing envi­ron­ment, expe­ri­ence the highs and lows of per­for­mance, and help ignite that spark of cre­ativ­i­ty that we hope will lead to that feel­ing of tru­ly being alive. Opera is the back­bone of our com­pa­ny, Project Pri­ma Vol­ta is the heart.

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